Liophant Simulation
Liophant is a non-profit association born in order to be a trait-d'union among simulation developers and users; Liophant is devoted to promote and diffuse the simulation techniques and methodologies; the Association promotes exchange of students, sabbatical years, organization of International Conferences, organization of courses and stages in companies to apply the simulation to real problems.
The Liophant is a Mythological Being that only Simulation can bring back to Life !
Liophant Officers
President | A.G. Bruzzone, agostino@itim.unige.it |
Director | E. Bocca, enrico.bocca@liophant.org |
Secretary | A. Devoti, devoti.a@iveco.com |
Treasurer | Marina Massei massei@itim.unige.it |
Representative EUROSIM | A.G. Bruzzone, agostino@itim.unige.it |
Deputy | F. Longo, f.longo@unical.it |
Editorial Board SNE, Web | F. Longo, f.longo@unical.it |